Sunday, 11 September 2016

How To Prevent Computer Virus Exposure

How To Prevent Computer Virus Exposure


        Having a computer is a must for everyone today, because it has a function very much like as a means of multimedia entertainment and the Internet. With the computer, the user can open a wide variety of songs, photos, videos or when in need of information, users can also search for it on the Internet or even for some groups such as students, employees to make computers as supporting business works.

So we can conclude the computer or laptop is now becoming part of the modern lifestyle. The price of computers is relatively cheap, depending on the internal and external specification so for those who have a very limited budget can still buy a cheap computer prices, and vice versa. However, during computer use is not always pleasant, sometimes one must be annoyed because a computer virus affected.

Why Computer Virus Could Suffer?

        Virus on a computer course different from the viruses that infect humans, so basically a virus that often infects a computer is unlikely to attack humans, and vice versa. So the question arises why can a computer virus? Actually, when first produced, net of virus computer, which causes the virus attacks the computer is the fault of the user.
Computer or laptop got a virus can slow system performance so that it has attributes like long loading process, the computer hangs, battery runs out quickly, hardware components such as the processor and hard drive heat faster which in turn can shorten the life of a computer. So there must be a solution and a smart way so that the computer does not quickly attacked by a virus, the following points and explanations;

1. Always Warning Against flash, Memory and the like
One of the most common ways the virus is spread is through a device that can move to move like a flash or external hard drive, always scan the total before you go in and retrieve files from the removable storage media.
This type of virus is usually present in the flash is auto run, auto run more gravity can not be removed easily when using free antivirus. Auto run file is usually located in the front window of a flash, so users should be careful and do not be desperate to continue if found auto run file.

2. Do not Download Gratuitous
Based on research by IT experts mention that the computer is never connected to the Internet have a low risk for the virus, very different from the computer that is always connected to the Internet. Viruses such as, worms until the malware can easily enter a computer someone who frequently download haphazardly.
So for it to be safe, it is advisable not to download a file from an untrusted source, for example, want to download the game then go to the official website even though his game rather than having to pay even daring to download on the website is not clear.
Or users can ask questions on Internet forums, web anywhere that has a good reputation as a place to download safe and virus-free. But to make it easier for users to access the Internet more securely better computer device is also equipped with a firewall, because the function of a firewall can protect against viruses and malware.

3. Using Deep Freeze

         If your computer does require to be always connected to the Internet and are often associated with removable drives such as flash and hard disk or your computer for public use as well as the cafe then the best solution is by wear program Depp Freeze can be used if the computer has an error due to an error either caused factor of human error or virus.

So essentially Deep Freezer will be easier for you to remove all the errors and restore your computer to normal is enough with one restart. But keep in mind that the weakness of Deep Freeze that it can not save files on a disk partition that you set, for example Disk C as a place to store the program Deep Freeze then all the files that you saved in C will be lost, so it should be moved to another disk like D or other ,

4. Always Enable Firewall
       Especially if your computer is always connected to the network, the firewall is like a barrier for viruses, malware or hackers who want to hijack your computer through the Internet. Firewalls can decide whether a computer can be connected to a network, or block them. Power effectiveness of the firewall depends on the configuration and the circumstances of how users in setting up a filter setting.

5. Important In Shape File Compression ZIP or RAR

      If you have important files such as MS Word, Excel or the extension . ex then you should do it in a single compressed file format ZIP or RAR files, the goal so that viruses do not infect files. By routinely pass compress like this then the chances of the virus to spread will be smaller, especially if the system windows existing firewall.

6. Turn off the Auto run

    In anticipation of that file or program containing a virus can not run automatically, it is recommended to users to disable the Auto Run feature on computers. Many users do not understand how crucial auto run position because in addition to be able to run the program "Good" automatically, it will also run a virus file mainly in the know extension without the computer user.

7. Change the File Extension

    We have many viruses are "disguised" as a .doc file extension or excel. Usually Ms Word and Excel files that are already infected will turn into an .ex extension, and worse still file the file can not be removed just like that, especially if the files that the infection has been very much would not want to reinstall the program. So you should change the .doc or . xls file into the extension .rtf (Rich text format) for more rare virus attack.

8. Use a combination of Antivirus

        The last way to be safe is to install two types of AV programs on your computer, the AV from overseas and one local AV. For example, a combination of Avast AV and Smadav will give extra protection to your computer, because if it is used either alone then there is usually a virus escaped.
So for example you wear Only local Avast virus will not be detected, as well as Just wear Smadav the virus from the outside will not be detected. By using two AV, the more the virus database so that more effective detection of various malware threats, especially manifold. Also do not forget to regularly update the AV because almost every time a new type of virus to emerge.
Signs Signs Exposed Computer Virus

Now that we know some of the ways to keep a computer that is not susceptible to the virus, then it will not be comprehensive if it does not know what the heck signs or laptop computers affected by the virus, the following descriptions.

Some Frequently Program Not Responding

If your computer or laptop is usually always smooth and suddenly more often Not Responding especially when opening Windows Explorer then be suspect your computer has been infected by virus. If not addressed may be getting worse, even the computer hangs and must be restarted. In some cases, the computer can not be touched again so were forced to turn off the computer without going through the shutdown process.

There Applications Unknown

One of the most easily recognized sign if a computer virus or a program that is there are some applications that had not been previously installed. His regular event like this often occurs when there is a virus that serves as auto run, so without you know that auto run is enabled many applications that will add to the burden of storage space.

There are a lot of Shortcut On grouch

For people who often striking-the flash into the computer usually frequent or at least have experienced incidents in which when a flash drive is connected and when opened it appears a lot of shortcuts. Things like this are caused by viruses ramnit, although not particularly dangerous but can annoy computer users.

There is a lot of ads Same

Things like this are usually caused by a virus that comes from buying and selling sites and the virus is often referred to as Adware which will display many ads the same, even if you open a website that is not unrelated to advertising products though. For example, when you're open Wikipedia, suddenly is the Camera Sale ads almost cover the screen and adware virus can not be eradicated by ordinary Ad block.

Computer Being Slow

The real cause of the computer works more slowly can be caused by too much disk space to install software so it becomes a bit. However, if you change your computer loading a sudden it must have suspected a virus, because the virus can use a lot of computer resources. There was definitely a virus if you feel do not have a lot of software and disk space that is large but the computer still slow.

Antivirus Program Activities Feels Weird

The sign is like a computer virus has been clearly evident, but when about in the clear through the scan, not found any virus. Do not be fooled by the results of a scan that shows your computer clean from viruses, it is a sign that the program Antivirus has been infected with the virus.
When about to install a new AV it always fails and can not be executed, if the conditions are like this then the final solution did reinstall total. All data will be in the format of the hard drive, which is why it is highly recommended for you to always perform routine backups of critical data and can duplicate it to another device.

Cover And Conclusion

After learning a few tips to avoid the attack of a computer virus then you will be more understanding in caring for and maintaining a computer, which in turn can last a long time and have a longer life. If the computer is very rarely exposed to the virus, then its users will feel comfortable in doing the task.
So is the sign of a computer has a virus, the faster and the easier it is detected early computer viruses resolved. Just as cancer in humans, is easily cured if it is still an early stage and it would be difficult or even impossible to be cured if it is late stage. Okay hopefully this article can be useful for every reader.

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